The healing properties of pomegranate, rosehip, cornel, quince fruits were known in ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome. Juices made from these fruits have medicinal properties and are very popular among the population. Juices and nectars are made from fresh berries and fruits and are bottled exclusively in glass containers of 0.3 liter, 0.5 liter, 1 liter, 2 liter, 3 liter volumes. Only glass does not react with various fruit acids and microorganisms. The properties of the glass make it possible to use the technology of quick high-temperature sterilization and pasteurization of juice, which makes it possible to preserve nutrients, vitamins, as well as taste. The use of glass containers allows two to three times to increase the shelf life, and the consumer allows you to visually verify the quality of the product.

Pomegranate juice 100%, "Mr. Pomegranate"
Juice is made from pomegranate fruits by direct extraction. The juice contains 15 amino acids that are needed for the construction of protein compounds in our body. Six of them are indispensable, that is, the body does not independently synthesize. The rest protect cells from radicals and mutations, slow down the aging process of cells, and, accordingly, the human body. |

Pomegranate juice 100%
The sparkling juice of pomegranate seeds is very rich in ascorbic acid, fruit acids and tannins. Pomegranate juice has a high content of vitamins C, B1 (0.05%), B2 (0.02%), P (0.3%), minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, etc.), the presence of which helps to strengthen blood vessels, prevents the formation of tumors, the development of atherosclerosis, gastric inflammation, as well as anemia and is a tonic.

Pomegranate juice with sugar
The juice is made from the fruit of fresh pomegranates with the addition of sugar syrup as a taste former. Natural sediment is allowed. Nutritional (nutritional) value of 100g of product: Carbohydrates - 10.0 g. Contains a complex of minerals and vitamins. Energy value (calories): 43 \ 180Kcal \ kJ per 100g of product |

Cherry Juice
The juice is made from cherry fruits and has a restorative effect. It is widely used in folk medicine as a dietary product that improves appetite and digestion, reduces thirst, has antiseptic and other beneficial properties. Cherry juice contains glucose, fructose (up to 15%), pectin (up to 11%), carotene, vitamins B, C, P, folic acid, as well as organic acids (mainly citric, malic), nitrous and others. Cherry juice contains many valuable minerals such as copper, potassium, magnesium and iron. |

Rosehip Nectar
Rosehip nectar contains almost the entire set of vitamins, but most of all it contains vitamin C. It regulates the metabolism and increases the body's resistance. Thanks to vitamin C, rosehip juice helps a person to get stronger after an illness, improves working capacity. In addition, vitamins B2, K1, P, A help to stop the inflammatory processes in the stomach, heal ulcers, burns, wounds, improve organ functions, normalize blood coagulation, strengthen visual acuity, and help in the treatment of atherosclerosis and anemia. |

Cornel juice 100%
Juice is made from cornel fruit has a tonic, restorative effect. It contains up to 17% sugars (glucose and fructose), a large amount of organic acids (malic, citric, succinic, etc.), pectin substances and also vitamins P, C. Fruits and cornel juice contain more vitamin C than black currants. In folk medicine, fruits and dogwood juice are used as an antipyretic, tonic and anti-tuberculosis drug. Dogwood juice has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and also strengthens vision. |

Quince juice with sugar
Quince juice is a valuable source of vitamins. Rich in easily digestible sugars, organic acids, tannins, essential oils, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, H and other useful substances, juice strengthens the body, acts as an anti-inflammatory, astringent and diuretic. It is recommended to drink it for problems of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia, heart and respiratory diseases. |

Nectar Mango
Mango nectar contains in its chemical composition vitamins: groups B, vitamins C, D, E. This product is rich in mineral substances: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and also zinc. Nectar contains a large amount of amino acids, as well as beta-carotene. |

 Pomegranate sauce NARSHARAB
This pomegranate sauce is a highly concentrated natural pomegranate juice, which does not contain absolutely no preservatives or other additives. True gourmets claim that a well-cooked pomegranate sauce is much more important than gourmet seasoning and decoration for a huge number of dishes! |